EZ-SET Creations Software Setup Help Files for both the Novice and the Expert User. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a "step-by-step" guide to help us setup some of the new software we would like to use? Well, that's where EZ-SET comes in. We have struggled thru setting up a variety of Communications related software packages and combinations that either weren't originally designed to work togather or, were simply not easy for a "new user" to setup. All our EZ-SET Creations packages are available on your first call as well as via File Request (FREQ) using Terminate's Point System, PPoint or other FIDO compatable mailer. EZ-SET Creations files are distributed via the TFN File Distribution Network and are available on many of the larger BBS's around the world. The following is a current listing of available EZ-SET Creations Files; BTSETALL.ZIP 98,339| Setup your BinkleyTerm configuration file | with this easy menu driven program. It will | create your entire BINKLEY.CFG, BINKLEY.EVT | and Setup your Modem in Binkly's .CFG file. | Includes BNU (v1.70) and VFOSSIL (v1.10) for | running your BinkleyTerm in color with Screen | Blanking. All are FREEWARE programs. | Everything you need (except Binkley) in one | package. GOLDIMIE.ZIP 125,097| Setup Intermail, Interecho, Allfix & Golded | for either or both full Node or Point use. | Includes all necessary configuration files as | well as easy to follow instructions. All | Shareware/Freeware files referenced are | FREQ'able from 1:2250/24. | Includes separate archives for IM/IE, Allfix, | Golded (programs NOT included, just .CFG | files). HOST2IMB.ZIP 264,600| Now, use HOST with INTERMAIL-INTERECHO for | a complete 2-way mailer system. Contains all | BATCH files, .CFG & .BBS files necessary for | TERMAIL, HOST and all files necessary for | InterEcho & Intermail as well as a detailed | text help file. | Also contains CFG files for GOLDED if you | want to use it along with TERMAIL. | Provided as FREEWARE to all TERMINAT user's | to help get the most use from the best | Communications program currently available. HOSTAF44.ZIP 137,525| Complete Setup for using HOST with ALLFIX | v4.40. All necessary setup files are | included. Simple step by step instruction | will get you up & running with a minimum | of trouble. This system is currently | being used to HUB for 4 networks, serving | over 60 Points and Downlink nodes. | ********************************* | * Use with either INTERMAIL or BINKLEY | * Creates a FILES.BBS for HOST | * Creates an ALLFILES.BBS for user's | * Built-in File Request Processor | * Includes ANSI/ASCII Menu's for HOST | * Setup tips for using the PUBLIC Menu | * Includes all necessary .BAT files | * A Complete Mini-BBS System! | Easy to setup and very reliable! | Use Termail as your mail reader. HOSTAFX2.ZIP 47,140| Complete SETUP for running Terminate's HOST | with ALLFIX, using BinkleyTERM as the mailer. | Now, manage both IN and OUT files fully | automatically. | Easy to setup and maintain. Each step is | fully documented with simple text files. HOSTAFX4.ZIP 192,944| Complete Intermail/Interecho/Allfix/HOST | setup, using all the features of the new | ALLFIX v4.40, with Golded as the reader. | Easy to setup and maintain. Excellent for | those that are a HUB but don't want to run | a "full blown" BBS. Also an excellent Support | System for small businesses. v4.0. HOSTMNU1.ZIP 16,646| HOSTMNU1 - Complete set of Custom ANSI Menu's | for Terminate's HOST Mini-BBS System. | Included Normal, Priv, Cosysop and Supervis | menu's, Welcome, Timeout, Goodbye and Public | menu's as well. HOST_AFX.ZIP 26,534| Complete SETUP for running Terminate's HOST | with ALLFIX, using BinkleyTERM as the mailer. | Now, manage both IN and OUT files fully | automatically. | Easy to setup and maintain. Each step is | fully documented with simple text files. HSTFMAF1.ZIP 76,281| Complete SETUP for running Terminate's HOST | with ALLFIX, BinkleyTERM and FREEMAIL for a | COMPLETE Mail/HUB system! | Now, manage both IN and OUT files and | messages fully automatically. | Easy to setup and maintain. Each step is | fully documented with simple text files. IMIEGED1.ZIP 136,537| Setup Intermail/Interecho/Allfix/Golded for | the Ultimate Point System or a FIDOnet HUB. | Easy to setup and maintain. All the .CFG and | .BAT files needed as well as complete text | file setup for Allfix (DOS) and Golded (DOS). | Includes David Nugent's excellent Freeware | MREN, a message re-number/pack utility. | Version 2.0 IMIEGED2.ZIP 140,124| Setup Intermail/Interecho/Allfix/Golded for | the Ultimate Point System or a FIDOnet HUB. | Easy to setup and maintain. All the .CFG and | .BAT files needed as well as complete text | file setup for Allfix (DOS) and Golded (DOS). | Includes David Nugent's excellent Freeware | MREN, a message re-number/pack utility. | Version 2.0 POINTSET.ZIP 31,499| THE Best Point Setup Help File! | This file gets you started in | minutes! Easy to follow guide to | to get you up & running QUICKLY! | ------------------------------ | CLEAR and easy to follow instruction | Uses TERMINAT's POINT SYSTEM | Request Files while reading your | mail! Saves Online time that also | saves you money! | Now, includes instructions for | TERMINATE v4 (will also work with | V3 as well. | Now, enjoy the easiest POINT setup ever! TER-AFX1.ZIP 28,367| Easy setup of ALLFIX to work with TERMINATE | to manage incomming TIC files. By including | a 2-way Mailer, such as Intermail, you can | both Semd & Receive files automatically. | Greatly enhances the use of TERMINATE. TER41MNU.ZIP 12,253| TER41MNU - Menu Set. | A second revision of menu's for TERMINAT's | HOST Mini BBS v4.00. | Includes menu's for SUPERVISOR, CO-SYSOP, | PRIVLEDGE and NORMAL USER as well as WELCOME, | GOODBYE, EXPIRE and BULLETIN in both ANSI & | ACSII. TERBINK1.ZIP 224,381| Complete Setup Help file for Terminate, | Binkley, Allfix and Freemail for a total | stand alone MAIL & FILE system. Includes all | the necessary sample .CFG files to make setup | as easy as possible. TERHOST1.ZIP 36,231| TERHOST1 - Complete setup for Terminate's | HOST Mini-BBS, including custom ANSI Menu's. | Easy to setup and maintain, fully documented. | Another EZ-SET Creations Setup Help File TERM-DV2.ZIP 61,680| QEMM/DESQVIEW/TERMINATE v2.0, 10/05/96 | Run TERMINATE under DESQView smoothly | and easily. These are my settings, that | have been used for the last few years. | Includes the .DVP files, batch files for | all Terminate/Termail/Host functions and | much more. | If you want to run Terminate under QEMM/DV, | this is for you. TERMAIL3.ARJ 244,834| Complete TERMAIL v3 setup for TERMINATE. ALL | you nees to get started as a POINT to get your | mail packets, read/reply and send your replies | back to the originating BBS. Includes the | TM.BBS and TM.CFG files necessary for proper | operation. Just edit to suit your system. TERMAIL4.ZIP 51,234| Complete TERMAIL setup for Terminat! All you | need to start as a POINT to get your mail | packets, read/reply and send your replies | back to the originating BBS. | Includes batch file for ALLFIX v4.33 (DOS) | (Tic file manager). | Due to the increasing size of TMNICE and | ShareSpell, they are NOT included with | this archive. | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | Used by several new Terminat user's to get | up & running as a POINT off our BBS. | Just follow the directions included and you | will be up & running in no time at all to. | From: EZ-SET Creations TERMBINK.ZIP 204,670| Now, use BinkleyTERM as a 2-way Mailer with | Termail as your Message Reader/Editor. All | the files you need to get configured (except | Binkley) are included ie: all Batch Files, | Step by Step documentation, etc. Even has a | complete setup for Allfix, for AUTOMATIC .TIC | file management. | Menu driven setup files for your BINKLEY.CFG, | BINKLEY.EVT files as well. TERMBT01.ZIP 135,088| Now, use BinkleyTERM as a 2-way Mailer with | Termail as your Message Reader/Editor. All | the files you need to get configured (except | Binkley) are included ie: all Batch Files, | Step by Step documentation, etc. Even has a | complete setup for Allfix, for AUTOMATIC .TIC | file management. | Menu driven setup files for your BINKLEY.CFG, | BINKLEY.EVT files as well. TERMBT02.ZIP 138,834| TERMBT02 - Third revision 9/21/96 | Now, use BinkleyTERM as a 2-way Mailer with | Termail as your Message Reader/Editor. All | the files you need to get configured (except | Binkley) are included ie: all Batch Files, | Step by Step documentation, etc. Even has a | complete setup for Allfix, for AUTOMATIC .TIC | file management. | Menu driven setup files for your BINKLEY.CFG, | BINKLEY.EVT files as well. TERM_AFX.ZIP 29,488| Easy setup of ALLFIX to work with TERMINATE | to manage incomming TIC files. By including | a 2-way Mailer, such as Intermail, you can | both Semd & Receive files automatically. | Greatly enhances the use of TERMINATE. TERM_BBS.ZIP 26,039| Text Help file for running Terminate-Termail | with NanoBBS. Have the best of both worlds. | Includes all necessary .CTL files (renamed to | .SMP files) to guide you thru getting setup. | NanoBBS is a full featured BBS with Doors, | CD-ROM & Internet Support, QWK Mail, etc. | Now use TERMINATE as your Mailer and Termail | to read/reply to messages while user's have | access to messages, CD's, Doors, etc. TERM_IM.ZIP 212,839| Now, use TERMAIL with INTERMAIL-INTERECHO for | a complete 2-way mailer system. Contains all | BATCH files, .CFG & .BBS files necessary for | TERMAIL, all files necessary for InterEcho & | Intermail as well as a detailed text help | file. | Also contains CFG files for GOLDED if you | want to use it instead of TERMAIL. :(- | Provided as FREEWARE to all TERMINAT user's | to help get the most use from the best | Communications program currently available. TERPOINT.ZIP 27,987| Complete Setup Guide for Terminate's POINT | System. Explains the terms "POINT", "FIDO" & | More. A Must have guide for Newbies! WINPT95B.ZIP 342,307| WINPT95 - Revision 1b, 09/21/96 | Complete Setup instructions for using PPOINT | v2.x under Windows 95. Includes the sample | batch files as well as explaining how each of | the various programs work. Be up and running | on about an hour! | Based on the setup used by Marc Lewis, FIDOnet | POINTS Moderator. Includes all the necessary | files except POINT201.ZIP and BW32_260.ZIP, | which are available from 1:2250/24. We hope | you find it an easy way to enjoy PPOINT! These can be FREQ'd by their complete file names.